Rhinoplasty frequently asked questions:


What are the different kinds of nasal surgery?

There are 4 distinct forms of nasal surgery:

1. Cosmetic surgery improves the nose’s shape and its proportion to the rest of the face.

2. Functional surgery alleviates breathing difficulties.

3. Reconstructive surgery rebuilds a damaged or congenitally deformed nose.

4. Revision surgery corrects a poor result from earlier surgery done elsewhere by another surgeon.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is any surgery to the nose, ranging from cosmetic enhancement to functional surgery.

What is septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a specific procedure to eliminate blockages caused by the septum.

What is turbinate surgery?

This is surgery to eliminate blockages caused by the turbinates

What is mentoplasty?

Mentoplasty is a chin enhancement to balance and optimize the profile.

Is nasal surgery painful?

No! The conscious sedation procedure is painless. In fact, patients often doze through it.

What is conscious sedation?

Conscious sedation is a safe, proven and painless anesthetic procedure. Preferable to gas-induced general anesthesia with its debilitating side-affects, this form of sedation allows patients to leave the Nose Clinic within hours of the surgery. In addition, it causes less bruising and swelling and promotes swifter healing. This means that the exciting results are revealed more quickly.

What if my nose is not the only reason for my unhappiness about my face?

Although the nose sometimes looks too big for the face, the real problem may be a receding chin. The best way to resolve this imbalance? A nose enhancement coupled with a chin augmentation.

Why is nasal surgery a unique procedure?

Nose surgery is a complex operation. It requires three-dimensional artistic skills as well as medical and technical expertise.

Who is the ideal surgeon for rhinoplasty?

The ideal surgeon is one who combines medical and surgical expertise and experience with aesthetic skill.

How soon can I go out in public after the operation?

You can resume your usual routine the day after the operation, although swelling and discoloration under the eyes usually takes five to 10 days to disappear. Some patients, however, don’t show discoloration.

How long does the surgery take?

Nasal surgery takes two to six hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Can I combine cosmetic and functional surgery?

At the Nose Clinic, the answer to this question is — yes. Because we specialize in all forms of nasal surgery, we frequently combine cosmetic and functional surgery, and we take responsibility for the entire process. This is crucial if your goal is a safe, expert and smooth procedure that enhances both your appearance and your health.

Rhinoplasty FAQ

Rhinoplasty FAQ

How will I look after rhinoplasty?

At the Nose Clinic we believe in working with our patients in a positive and consultative way. After all, our patients will live with the results, and their satisfaction is vital to us! That’s why we provide digital previews of the potential results during the first pre-surgery consultation.

And since we know that the opinions of the people close to you are important, we’re delighted to provide print-outs of the ‘before’ and anticipated ‘after’ images, so you can discuss the planned procedure with the people who matter to you. Ultimately, however, the most important decision-maker is … you.

How does nasal surgery proceed?

We admit patients at 08:00 in the morning and discharge them three to six hours after surgery is completed. In the case of simple surgery, we apply the ‘closed’ intra-nasal approach, working through the nostrils. In more complex procedures, we use the ‘open’ approach, partially raising the skin over the nose to create a clear view of the inner nasal architecture.

How can I protect my new nose from injury?

A skin-colored, ultra-light Denver aluminum splint protects your new nose until the stitches are removed. You will be provided with further information after the splint is removed.

How long does it take for a nose to heal completely from surgery?

Although our patients are generally out and about within 10 days of the procedure (sometimes within a day), the tissue concealed beneath the skin of the nose takes a year to heal completely from surgery. Of course this healing process happens indiscernibly.

Are there age restrictions on nasal surgery?

The minimum age is 17 for women and 18 to 19 for men. There is no maximum age limit for nasal surgery, and we have found that elderly patients tolerate conscious sedation better than general anesthesia.

Can I undergo surgery if I have a thick and oily skin?

No. Thick, sebaceous (oily) skin textures, especially around the tip of the nose usually indicate that a patient should not undergo cosmetic rhinoplasty.  Just as a heavy blanket draped over your shoulders would conceal the outline of your body, a thick skin would hide the very changes you would want to display to the world. The disappointment would not warrant the cost of surgery. Confronted with such a possibility, we usually decline to operate.

What will surgery cost?

What will surgery cost? Fees vary for each operation. The general range falls between R50 000 and R70 000 and sometimes higher depending on the complexity and duration of the intended procedure (use the applicable exchange rate to convert to a foreign currency). The Nose Clinic provides an all-inclusive quote at the first consultation. No hidden costs. (‘COSTS‘)

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The Art and Science of Functional and Cosmetic Nose Surgery